Via Riviera di Chiaia, 276 - Napoli
+39 081.2405382
Bandiera Italiana Bandiera Inglese

In recent years the increase in cases of Medical Liability has grown dramatically, favoring the promotion of legal disputes and leading to an ever greater confrontation between the medical and legal worlds.

The Law Firm of Attorney Giorgio Vaiana based in Naples has been operating for years in the field of Medical Liability and is ready to intervene in your defense if you believe you have suffered damage as a result of incorrect medical treatments or a delayed diagnosis.
Also damages deriving from insufficient hospital care, inadequate or deficient health care, medical malpractice or even aesthetic medicine treatments carried out with inexperience or whose results have been penalizing are among the cases for which it is possible to obtain compensation for damages. Our legal advice will be the ally that will support you if you believe that the one responsible for protecting your health has not worked in the best way and has caused you or your loved ones as patients some damage. Compensation for medical malpractice is your right that can easily be obtained by making use of professionals who master the subject.

Our expertise in Medical Responsibility

The lawyer Giorgio Vaiana, since the end of the 90s, has taken part in a qualified observatory of this phenomenon, namely the Melchiorre Gioia Association, made up of forensic doctors, jurists and insurers who work in the field of compensation for personal injury from civil offense and criminal law with specific expertise in the field of insurance legal medicine.
During this long and in-depth observation he was able to verify that various factors have led to the increase in cases of health malpractice:

  • the expansion of the types of pathologies treated;
  • the evolution of the means of treatment and diagnosis;
  • a greater awareness of their rights by the citizen;
  • the lengthening of the average human life

and, last but not least, the excessive tendency of many insiders to hinge judgments that are often devoid of real evidence.

All this effort was accompanied by a jurisprudential evolution that was not always homogeneous and by regulatory changes that had a strong impact on the organization of the Healthcare Facilities and on the medical professions themselves. In the background, the defensive demands of the medical profession, the expectations of the victims, the problems relating to the allocation of costs, the reconciliation between therapeutic needs and limited public budgets.

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Studio Vaiana - P.Iva 04637201213
Via Riviera di Chiaia, 276 - Napoli - 80121

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