Via Riviera di Chiaia, 276 - Napoli
+39 081.2405382
Bandiera Italiana Bandiera Inglese

Civil Liability is an extremely delicate sector in the field of private law and the Law Firm of the lawyer Giorgio Vaiana in Naples has been dealing with it since the beginning of its business.

The area of civil liability is essentially divided into:

  • non-contractual liability (or aquilian, or tort liability)
  • contractual liability

We pay the utmost attention in collecting the necessary evidence for a successful outcome of the case, to offer assistance, both in the judicial and extrajudicial phases, in all disputes concerning compensation for damages deriving from Civil Liability (extra-contractual or contractual), evaluating the existence of the preconditions for its affirmation.

What our customers require us is a fair, equitable and correct quantification of the damages they suffered, not only those of a financial nature, but also with reference to non-pecuniary damage (resulting from "permanent damage to the psychophysical integrity of the person susceptible to medical assessment -legal ", both in its average or peculiar anatomical-functional and relational implications, and that resulting from the same injuries in terms of" pain" or "subjective suffering ").

The scope of the unlawful facts that we can face together with you is extremely varied and composite, including damage resulting from the movement of vehicles, damage to assets in custody, dangerous activities, or even damage resulting from Medical or Health Liability.

Lawsuits for Civil Liability


Below is a non-exhaustive but in any case detailed list of all the cases for which we can ascertain whether you have suffered damages from Civil Liability and on which we can intervene with well targeted actions.

  • medical and health responsibility;
  • liability for transfusions of infected blood and blood products;
  • responsibility of the lawyer;
  • professional and service providers liability;
  • liability of the employer for injury to the worker;
  • liability of the employer for bullying;
  • liability for road and nautical accidents;
  • manufacturer's liability for defective products;
  • responsibility of sports clubs and sports centers;
  • responsibility of the school for school and recreational activities;
  • responsibility of the state for the unreasonable length of the trials;

What is Civil Liability?

Civil Liability represents a behavior that violates the rules of private law in relations between citizens or between citizens and other parties, and is attributable to a person who has caused unfair damage and is therefore obliged to compensate it.
Legal assistance for Civil Liability must take into account all the factors and causes that led to the damage in question.

Our Law Firm in Naples, located in Via Riviera di Chiaia 276, is ready to support all those who need assistance in obtaining legal protection through the right refreshment or through the affirmation of their lack of responsibility.

Compila il modulo, un nostro consulente ti contatterà nel più breve tempo possibile.

Studio Vaiana - P.Iva 04637201213
Via Riviera di Chiaia, 276 - Napoli - 80121

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